• 532 Durham Rd., Newtown PA USA
  • Info@visualsi.com
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:30PM (Eastern US)

About Visual Software, Inc.

Visu­al Soft­ware Inc., found­ed in 1995 and locat­ed in his­toric New­town, Penn­syl­va­nia, is a lead­ing provider of inter­op­er­abil­i­ty and automa­tion prod­ucts for medi­um to large organizations.

Since 2001, Visu­al Soft­ware has been build­ing, mar­ket­ing, and sup­port­ing these prod­ucts to thou­sands of edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions (serv­ing mil­lions of stu­dents) and com­pa­nies in the US, Cana­da, Europe, Africa and Australia.

Visu­al Soft­ware has close work­ing rela­tion­ships with Microsoft, Ora­cle and many region­al sys­tems inte­gra­tors through­out the US, the UK and Aus­tralia. Visu­al Soft­ware has been a Microsoft Cer­ti­fied Part­ner since 2003 and an Ora­cle Gold Cer­ti­fied Part­ner since 2014. We are also mem­bers of the inter­na­tion­al secu­ri­ty group OWASP.

OurOffice modified - About Us

Our Offices

In May 2015, Visu­al Soft­ware moved from its 260 year old build­ing in Wash­ing­ton Cross­ing, PA to its new loca­tion at 532 Durham Rd., New­town PA.

Our “new” home was built cir­ca 1724 as the Bucks Coun­ty Trad­ing Post used by the ear­ly set­tlers and the Lenape, Delaware and Iro­quois Indi­ans. It is offi­cial­ly in the vil­lage of Wright­stown, with a mail­ing address in Newtown.

Across the street is the mon­u­ment that was used as the start­ing point for the his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant “Walk­ing Pur­chase of 1737“. We have recent­ly come to dis­cov­er that this build­ing was like­ly to have been used as a “safe stop” for slaves as part of the Under­ground Rail­road dur­ing the US Civ­il War in the mid 1800’s.