• 532 Durham Rd., Newtown PA USA
  • Info@visualsi.com
  • Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 5:30PM (Eastern US)


What It Does

In the Verac­i­ty Health­care appli­ca­tion, the fol­low­ing basics and options are available:Veracity HC Patient - Sustainable Healthcare Technology


  • Imple­ment a pri­vate cloud-based sys­tem that main­tains basic infor­ma­tion about:
    • Clin­ics
    • Health care work­ers, patients
    • Office/Home vis­its, appoint­ments, med­ica­tions prescribed
  • Each of these “objects” can have files attached to them (scanned doc­u­ments, test results, Inter­net ref­er­ences, etc.) and all com­po­nents are ful­ly inte­grat­ed and share a com­mon data­base store.
  • Add busi­ness rules to check entered data against qual­i­ty stan­dards so that data from the cen­tral data store can be aggre­gat­ed for usable statistics.
  • Imple­ment an online train­ing library (pre-record­ed) and syn­di­ca­tion with exist­ing med­ical libraries.


  • Appoint­ment reminders, med­ica­tion reminders
  • ID cards (print­ed region­al­ly, used to stream­line data entry and elim­i­nate errors)
  • Infor­ma­tion about patient payments
  • Direc­to­ry of advi­sors with appoint­ment set­ting capability

The first screen cap­ture is from our Verac­i­ty – Health Care demon­stra­tion sys­tem. Although the data is sim­u­lat­ed, it pro­vides a view of what some of the inter­face pages look like.

Things that can be changed eas­i­ly are:

  • Lan­guage: each user can choose his or her own lan­guage for the inter­face. While it will not trans­late any data, all of the labels and oth­er instruc­tions on the site are translated.
  • Look and Feel: the appear­ance of the site (col­ors, fonts, the styling of con­trols, etc.) can be changed by the cus­tomer to match their stan­dard web site appearance.
  • Data­base Con­tents: adding new fields, chang­ing the sizes of those fields, and remov­ing fields are all a sim­ple mat­ter for an admin­is­tra­tor with suf­fi­cient per­mis­sions. If a paper-based or oth­er sys­tem is already in place, the flow and appear­ance data entry on the screen can fol­low exist­ing for­mats. This will speed the tran­si­tion and reduce the amount of train­ing required for end users.
ArabicScreenShot - Sustainable Healthcare Technology
Click image to enlarge

The data in the data­base is stored in the lan­guage (alpha­bet) that is select­ed for the user who enters the infor­ma­tion. This is an exam­ple of the same page when the user has select­ed “Ara­bic” as his or her inter­face language:

Adding new lan­guages to the inter­face is a sim­ple process, requir­ing the assis­tance of some­one flu­ent in the tar­get lan­guage and enter­ing the new trans­la­tions into a data­base table.